Dr. Nicole Forsgren is a global leader in a niche field that impacts, well, everyone.
Nicole is a DevOps and developer productivity expert who thrives on helping large organizations reshape their culture, processes, and technology to improve their business and enhance the developer experience. She combines AI tools with developer expertise to help teams unlock productivity and innovation.
This work improves value delivery for organizations, improves software and process efficiency, and increases the satisfaction and well being of developers.
Simply put, she uses research, strategy, data, and collaboration to make things awesome.
She is the brains behind DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment), the industry-standard method for assessing software delivery—and the predictive models to help organizations improve it. Her career journey also includes roles as a software engineer, professor, and award-winning author.
She’s currently a Partner at Microsoft Research, where she helms the Developer Experience Lab, using AI to revolutionize how developers work, and serves on the board at ACM Queue.
If you just stumbled upon this site, Nicole combines science and AI to make things more delightful for software developers, more impactful for companies, and more strategic for leaders.
I swear, Nicole’s speaking style is a weird and wonderful combination of devrel / executive / professor. I don’t see anything else like it in the industry, and I’m totally here for it.
— Corey Quinn, chief cloud economist and analyst
This is the kind of foresight that CEOs, CFOs, and CIOs desperately need if their company is going to survive in this new, software-centric world. Anyone that doesn't read this book will be replaced by someone that has.
— Thomas A. Limoncelli, co-author of The Practice of Cloud System Administration