To learn more about booking Nicole for speaking* or advising work, please fill out the form below or email

*Nicole does not accept speaking engagements that do not feature Black voices. If you need a hand identifying Black experts to join your event, she would love to help.


Nicole lives by several philosophies: be kind, call your mother, and don’t give advice over the internet.

With that in mind, please consider the following before reaching out.

  • First,

    if you’re upset at something she said, take a breath and assume good intention.

  • Second,

    apply the scientific method to see if you can find the solution yourself.

  • Third,

    if you can find your answer with a simple google search or in her previously published works, consider yourself ghosted.

Nicole will do her best to get back to you in a timely manner.

(Pro tip: that time frame drastically improves with short queries and yes/no questions.)